photoanildsud courtesyathoughtfuleye Peeps, If being able to experience flight, as today's visual treat so magnificently alludes, sign me up for wings, ballooning, hang-gliding, or lucid dreams while curled up with my four pillows/two blankets/scented foot-lotion, and uninterrupted sleep. The soft verdant hills beckon invitingly and suggest infinity, making the thought of leaving it all behind --as we all will--less alarming, mildly cautionary, and re-emphasizing the preciousness of it all, meaning our time here on this earth. Today is not a time for being melancholy or maudlin, (and pathos serves no purpose), and during the morning's perfection, countless birds twitter and hop from branch to branch, leaves unfurl in accordance to an ancient rhythm, and little white clouds float breezily overhead. I must admit to experiencing pangs of jealousy at the superb specimens of container-pots featured in the gardening magazines, both at the gorgeous vessels utilized and...