illustrationceciliacarlstadt viabijouxandbohemeblog Peeps, Even after the bouquets of vibrant roses have faded, and the carefully folded stacks of greeting cards have begun to yellow, moms (and sisters and sisters-in-law and nieces and girl cousins and grandmothers and stepmothers and indeed all that belong to the fairer sex) still should be celebrated and honored for their contributions, of which perhaps foremost is the ability to bear offspring, although not limited to this, foremost and singularly. While the numbers of women who enter the workplace has significantly increased at this time, sadly, a significant pay gap still exists between female workers and their male counterparts, even if performing the same tasks. Jobs performed largely by women, such as child-rearing, house-keeping, teaching and nursing, secretarial and lower-to-mid level white collar jobs, rarely command the respect and salaries attributed to more male-dominated arenas such as banking and acc...