photobywilliamabronowicz courtesyathoughtfuleyeblog Peeps, Yes, this is what I'd like to achieve by the end of summer; the end result of my new mood of clearing and editing, cleaning and simplifying. Through my head runs thoughts chased by others, not unlike the compulsive manic, for I know myself and must admit that once I jump on an idea, I've got to see it through, come hell or high-water. Fantasy notwithstanding, starting over brings the opportunity for a fresh perspective on the essentials of habitation, such as a sense of privacy, and unlimited light, and objects of meaning carefully placed, and less (of them). Where (and when) fantasy is allowed to dwell, I'll be able to simply turn off the lamps, close the door, and step out into heady adventures with enlightened travelers, fly the world and experience the wonders of Rome and London and Barcelona, and if so desired, swim with dolphins in the wild. Truth is, I don't want to get old, polishing ...