
The easy availability of 'bargains' has led to a society which is overwhelmingly gripped by a sense of unrest.  Almost nothing is purchased for the long run; instead some base their aesthetic, as well as sense of being, on the quick fix, the easy change and the next big thing (soon to be showcased on next month's magazine cover).  Heirlooms seem to be a thing of the past, as are the virtues of thrift and preservation.  The average consumer is reluctant to pay for materials of a higher quality, and the craft-person has been deemed irrelevant.  Shoddy products and inferior goods made overseas under sometimes questionable working conditions have swept through the marketplace like a tsunami and no-one is beyond reach.  If creativity and small industry is to survive (and thrive) in the 21st century, I believe that all of us must reexamine our values with some degree of urgency before mediocrity (or inferiority) becomes the new normal.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!


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