photomarkseelen Peeps, In spite of the actions of some, there is still much to celebrate. We are now living in a time where everyday individuals, common-place persons just like ourselves, have begun to look beyond the facade presented (and maintained) by big businesses, unscrupulous politicians, and 'the system' which sought to control free thought and speech, and movement(s). And advances in technology should be given credit for much of the slow unraveling of a hegemony that stretches back through many decades. The Internet (and social media) has allowed for many, who previously voice-less and thus inconsequential, to voice their displeasure and dissatisfaction at the status quo and the inequalities experienced by many in the world, save the privileged and powerful. Information, flowing unrestricted across borders and barriers, now more clearly reveals the transactions and 'deals' once conducted under the cover of darkness, behind closed doors, or for...